Hillary Clinton: Trump Wants to Rule Like Putin, Kim

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On an installment of the “Defending Democracy” podcast, Hillary Clinton asserted that Donald Trump seeks to emulate authoritarian figures such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un by suppressing opposition and eroding democratic principles, as reported by the Daily Mail.

“Trump was just gaga over Putin because Putin does what Trump would like to do: Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance,” Clinton said.

She cautioned against the dangers of Trump’s alleged aspirations, urging voters to reject such tendencies.

Clinton, who lost the presidential election to Trump in 2016, emphasized President Joe Biden’s qualities as “effective and compassionate” despite his age, contrasting him with Trump, whom she labeled as “old” and potentially autocratic.

A spokesperson from the Trump campaign dismissed Clinton’s comments as “delusional” and attributed them to “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” according to the Washington Examiner.

However, public opinion appears divided on concerns about age and fitness for office. A recent poll indicated that only 38 percent of likely voters said they believe Biden will survive another four-year term, raising questions about Vice President Kamala Harris potentially assuming the presidency.

The age factor looms large in the upcoming election, with 77-year-old Trump and 81-year-old Biden facing scrutiny. While doubts persist about Biden’s longevity in office, more confidence is placed in Trump’s ability to complete a full term. Nevertheless, both parties must consider succession plans given the uncertainties surrounding the health and longevity of the candidates.

Trump has capitalized on concerns about Biden’s age, criticizing him as unfit for office. However, Trump himself has faced criticism for verbal missteps, raising questions about his own performance. Despite these challenges, Trump currently holds an advantage in the race.



  1. Third graders know more about American government than this former U.S. Senator and President’s wife. Her predictable ignorance is abhorrent.

    • Dealt with over 5 years ago, Feb 28, 2019. This report is fake news for the naive sheeple who believe all their balonies.

  2. Remember libs engage in genuflecting at all times

    Whatever they are doing and involved in full throttle, they accuse you, of being a threat to engage in precisely those things


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