Hochul Announces $9.6 Billion Revamp of JFK Airport

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New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced a $9.6 billion revamp of John F. Kennedy International Airport on Monday as part of the transformation of one of New York’s busiest airports.

The terminal will be 2.1 million square feet on the current footprint of terminals 1, 2, and 3 and will have 23 new international gates, she said. Construction will begin next year, she said. The first phase will open in 2026, according to Rick Cotton, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. He said it will create 10,000 jobs.

Funding is coming through a public-private partnership with investors including Carlyle Group and JLC Infrastructure. The Port Authority board will vote on Thursday on a financial agreement with the project’s financial partners, Cotton said.

(c) 2021, Bloomberg · Keshia Clukey / Bloomberg photo by Angus Mordan



  1. Now, if they can only have a short walk from the security checkpoint/TSA to the actual gate to fly to Miami, especially with American Airlines. Once you clear security, you’ve got to walk, literally, a few miles within the airport just to get to the stinkin gate! You walk up, you walk down, you go underground, you come back up. Endless walking. When you fly AA to Mia, it has the furthest gate from entry in the entire airport! All along the way you keep passing empty gates, meant for all these forsaken small cities. Tulsa? Lincoln? Little Rock? Joplin? I mean, Seriously? Let them walk a few miles. Why do they have to torture those of us who have to fly to Miami??? I have a feeling they are trying to punish the Red State travelers. Mostly Jews and minorities, I’ll have you know.

    • Because flying to Miami you have options of going from LGA if you don’t like JFK, but many other destinations you don’t have options of flying from LGA, hence very appropriate that Miami destination has furthest gate.

      But meanwhile with such restricted international travel because of Corona with no end in sight, what is purpose of expanding JFK & 23 new international gates?


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