HOLY LAND OPEN: Students to Be Allowed Entry to Israel Starting October 18

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Since the start of the current Covid-19 lockdown, single students have been barred from entering Israel. Married students have been granted entry permits under limited circumstances only.

The Chaim V’Chessed organization has informed Matzav.com that Interior Minister Aryeh Deri has now reversed this rule. Authorized schools will be able to obtain permits for their students, for entry into Israel beginning October 18. Schools will be able to apply for these permits immediately after the conclusion of Sukkos, and students will be allowed to depart from Chutz Laaretz on October 17 (provided their flight lands on October 18.) This will apply to all students, married or single, with or without valid student visas.

Thanks are due, once again, to the indefatigable Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz, head of the Igud of Yeshivas and Seminaries, for achieving this new ruling. Despite battling Covid-19 himself, Rabbi Malinowitz worked tirelessly throughout the lockdown to negotiate this new arrangement with the authorities.

Students must contact their respective yeshiva/kollel/seminary for further details.

{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}


  1. Don’t waste your money on HL. Nothing to see except for old bored people. Even before Covid it was mainly empty.

    BTW, will Oct 18 be the end of pursuing the elite criminals?

      • The comment was about the exhibit – see next comment.

        • you’re right then. I was taken aback understanding that he referred to coming to the HL and visiting or learning.. Thanks for the awareness.. Just as one should learn to judge favorable; 100% correct derech. So too, do you have the koach in your hands to have comments turn out positive by coming and mediating when you see a clear misunderstanding or misjudgment. You had a mitzva with this. A gut kvittel!

  2. Don’t waste your money

    Even before Covid it was mainly empty.

    BTW, will Oct 18 be the end of pursuing the elite criminals in Israel that they’ll be able to come to the HL?


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