HORRIFIC: Chaim Rosenberg And Others May Have Initially Survived The Surfside Collapse

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As many as nine of the 98 victims who died in the worst building collapse in modern U.S. history might have survived the initial cave-in, a USA TODAY investigation suggests. That total, almost 10% of the fatalities, includes one victim who fire rescue logs show was still alive about 10 hours after the devastating tragedy in Surfside, Florida.

Fire rescue logs indicate that officials knew hours after the 1:25 a.m. collapse at Champlain Towers South on June 24 that survivors remained in the mountain of debris. Rescue teams were in contact with live victims, and search dogs – one of the department’s most reliable indicators of life – confirmed human life.

Some medical examiner’s reports listed injuries that would not, on their own, be considered life-threatening or result in immediate death. Wounds included small cuts, “possible” fractures, and, in one case, total absence of visible physical trauma.

Included in those victims that showed no signs trauma is Chaim Rosenberg, 52, who lived in Unit 212, and whose daughter and son-in-law, Malky and Benny Weisz, also died as a result of the collapse.

Chaim’s report reflected no evidence of injury whatsoever, and simply listed the cause of death as “building collapse.” But that is an event, not an injury.

Read more at Yahoo News.



  1. Great news for the families, huh.
    What a stupid person you have to be to actually post this article. You have not one drop of common sense in the mush that is your brain.

    May Hashem forgive you for your stupidity.

  2. what exactly is the purpose of this article? To cause more pain for the family? Not every bit of information must be released to the public.

  3. There seems to be a major error with this speculation. I think that the report on Chaim Rosenberg showed no major injuries precisely because frum organizations pressed that there be no autopsy. However, if there had been one, quite likely something more would have been found, as with other victims overall.

    Best to put such speculation aside and trust in Hashem.

  4. If true, it will have halachic ramifications in terms of yahrtzeit and preference in case more than one person has yahrtzeit in the shul as the day of for yahrtzeit would be considered a “safek”.

  5. This is a tragedy beyond words but I don’t understand how this heartless reporting can help anyone now other than pour salt on the wounds of his loved ones

  6. We knew this all along.
    The incompetence and negligence of the Dade County rescue team is revolting. The stupid Mayor Daniella Levine Cava was so busy calling the first responders heroes heroes heroes. They are not heroes! They are murderers! They were so so so “concerned” that if they attempt to save one person, they “may” kill someone else in the process. So the strategy was, let everyone die and then once they’re all dead, we can start the process of cleaning up the debris. Mrs. Cava was then able to show such leadership by giving us a daily update on the bodies recovered. What a stupid Karen! There was not a single survivor! All the rescue teams did a terrible job, including the arrogant Israelis! All the experts were there, not to try to save a single life, but to help count dead bodies. What a stain on the State of Florida! What a stain on Dade County! Cava should hang her head in shame!

    • So nu, where were you? Clearly, you know more than people who have years of training and experience, so you should have been out there, directing everyone on how to do their jobs properly! Not only are they murderers, but you are even worse, because you knew they were, and did nothing about it! Not only that, but if you know that the rescue crews in Florida were murderers, you probably know about other first responders who don’t have the knowledge you do, yet here you are, doing nothing about it!

      Or maybe, spewing sewage on the internet doesn’t make you a qualified professional. Maybe, despite our hopes and tefillos, sometimes tragedies happen because Hashem wants them to, and it’s not under our control. Not everything is a conspiracy by evil murderers to keep you down. sometimes, Hashem just has a plan that is hard for us to experience.

  7. I thank Matzav for adding much unnecessary pain and providing people with a reason to call me again and ask me if I saw this report on Matzav and what do I think. After all I feel much more at ease now knowing that perhaps the one I lost in the collapse was laying there for hours alive.
    Wow. A whole new level of unnecessary reporting. Quite a shock

  8. The fact that you are posting these comments instead of deleting the article shows how accurate the comments are – and how sick you are.

  9. It took them more than 24 to 48 hours to first get cranes and heavy machinery to the site than it took them a few days to start removing some of the concrete slabs and Debris

    I think the average was one or two concrete slabs removed every day

    Tremendous care was taken not to disturb the pile of rubble and concrete so as not to further injure or inadvertently kill anyone who may be trapped under the pile

    So in the meantime anyone under the pilethat was still alive or had a chance of being rescued ended up dying from being stuck there a few days with no Water food or medical attention

    So the commenter above definitely has a point about the ludicrously of the situation where the rescuers and rubble removers had to wait a few days and weeks until it was certain that everyone under the pile passed away so as not injure them further

  10. The purpose is to know the truth, we need better instruments in finding survivors!!!! Truth brings knowledge. The lies are exposed.


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