Ilhan Omar Accused Of Being Qatari Asset In Sworn Testimony

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Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar is a foreign agent on a Qatari payroll, a Florida court heard in a sworn testimony, according to Monday’s report by the English edition of Al Arabiya.

The news agency says it got hold of an October 23 deposition by Alan Bender, a Kuwait-born businessman from Canada, where he testified that he met with three top Qatari officials who claimed that Ilhan owed her current position to the Qatari money bankrolling her campaign.

The businessman told the court that Omar made use of her position within the US House of Representatives to recruit other politicians and shared sensitive information with Qatar, which in turn relayed it to Iran.

Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. Who would’ve imagined that “some people did something”, immigration-fraudster Omar isn’t a loyal American?
    Nancy, maybe now is a good time to remind us why you felt she was qualified to remain on the foreign intelligence committee.

  2. How stupid of her to enter Congress and open a big mouth and call attention to herself.

    Thank G-d she alienated plenty of people so some of them began to dig into her background.

    Now the skeletons are coming out.

    The best part is she did it to herself.

  3. um. wait! well do we know who this guy who said testimony is? so maybe he’s well, anti Omar?
    Do all you who jumped immediately on this bandwagon realize your doing exactly what your always accused of doing? Basically stereotyping Muslims? just wondering.


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