Inappropriate Language Removed from Yerushalayim Entrance

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In an unusual episode, Chaim V’Chessed, the organization renowned for assisting English-speaking residents navigate life in Israel, stepped out of its regular sphere of activity to address an incident of moral insensitivity involving the English language.

On the afternoon of January 13, the organization was contacted by a prominent rov who reported a massive political advertisement on a building facing the entrance to Yerushalayim. The sign featured a grossly inappropriate word in English, prompting an immediate outcry from those who saw it as a desecration of the city’s sanctity.

“This is certainly not something Chaim V’Chessed usually deals with,” said Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V’Chessed. “But I was so shaken by the desecration of Yerushalayim that we decided to take action.” He adds, “This terminology would never appear on a public sign in the United States; why should we have to encounter it in the Holy City?”

Within minutes, Chaim V’Chessed mobilized its resources, reaching out to journalists, politicians, and key municipal figures. Among those contacted were Yerushalayim Mayor Moshe Lion and Deputy Mayor Yisrael Kellerman, who oversees signage in the city. The organization also learned that the building hosting the offensive sign housed offices of the Finance Ministry. This connection prompted Freedman to appeal directly to Finance Minister Beztalel Smotrich.

The officials expressed shock at the presence of foul language greeting motorists to Yerushalayim and promised to assist. “I was pleasantly surprised by the rapid reaction of the various powers that be,” Freedman said. “This morning, Tuesday, the offensive word was covered over.”

The incident has sparked broader conversations about the regulation of public signage in Yerushalayim. “It is a travesty that this expletive was posted in Yerushalayim for even one day,” Freedman remarked. “We intend to hold talks with relevant officials to prevent recurrences of this unfortunate episode.”



  1. Howcome there’s no demands of Putin to end this war one that he started.

    Bibs did not start this war his, his job to make sure the war doesn’t occur again.


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