Increase In Cases Of COVID-19 In Israel, Vaccines To Be Available After Sukkos

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The Ministry of Health has provided an update indicating a moderate rise in the number of COVID-19 patients being admitted to hospitals in Israel. Most of these cases are categorized as mild, but there has also been an increase in patients classified as severe, alongside a slight uptick in virus-related fatalities.

According to the Ministry of Health, various virus variants, including subvariants of omicron, are contributing to morbidity both within Israel and globally. The ministry is strongly recommending vaccination for the entire population, with a particular emphasis on individuals with compromised immune systems.

Starting after Sukkos, those aged 12 and older in Israel will have the opportunity to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Priority will be given to those at risk of severe illness, regardless of their prior vaccination history or the number of vaccine doses received. As additional vaccine supplies become available, eligibility for vaccination will be expanded to other groups.

The Ministry of Health is also advising the public to consider receiving a booster dose during the autumn months, ideally in conjunction with getting the annual flu vaccine. Subsequently, as more vaccine shipments arrive, a wider range of individuals will become eligible for vaccination.

{ Israel}


  1. Haven’t enough Israelis gotten killed, strokes, heart attacks, turbo cancer from their death shots.

  2. Don’t do it, whether you have before or not. We should have learned our lessons last time around. May Hashem help everyone to resist this tyranny and oppression.

  3. Doctors are not recommending the boosters anymore. The Covid cases are mild and not worth the long terms risks of the boosters. Please stop publicizing inaccurate data. Thank you.

  4. So because of a “moderate” increase in the number of supposed Covid cases — which were likely determined by use of the extremely faulty PCR test, which is well known to produce false results — they are planning to GREATLY increase the number of Covid vaccines to be available, and no doubt to also have greatly increased numbers of people compelled and coerced and even forced to take them. It is literally quite amazing that these so-called “health” officials get so worried and riled up when they hear about even “moderate” increases in the number of (supposed) Covid cases, yet they know absolutely nothing about and, really, do not care at all whatsoever about the factual huge increases in the number of people who are injured and maimed and even killed by tak ing the severely dangerous Covid vaccines.


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