The Association of Chevra Kadishas in Israel has appealed to the Israeli Ministry of Health to vaccinate their members against corona. The Chevra Kadisha explained that their members – 500 in all – who deal with the deceased are at risk of contracting corona and are at increased risk of falling ill. The Ministry of Health rejected the request.
After receiving the negative answer today, Avraham Manela, chairman of the Chevra Kadisha Forum, contacted Minister of Religions Yaakov Abitan and told him that if the Chevra Kadisha workers are not vaccinated, they will not be able to treat the bodies of the deceased going forward.
In his appeal, Manela wrote that “unless the decision is made to include the workers of Chevra Kadishas in the vaccination program at the present stage, starting in two days we will be forced to stop performing taharahs for the deceased who had corona.”
“Similar to health and rescue organizations, including ZAKA, whose employees have been recognized as emergency workers who need to be vaccinated right away, our employees are exposed daily to corona victims, and we see the Ministry of Health’s decision as discriminatory, dangerous, and real sakanah for them,” Manela added.
Manela said that “this is a ridiculous decision of the Ministry of Health. The blood of the workers of the Chevra Kadishas is not free. These are people who stand with dedication at the forefront of caring for niftarim and have endangered themselves since the beginning of the epidemic.”
{ Israel News Bureau}
The people in the government making these decisions share the same ideology as the people who don’t care about nituchei masim.
Yup. Beheaded chilonim. The medina has failed.
I don’t understand. Why does the CHK have to involve some ministers to get their injections? Whoever wants can get it and whoever doesn’t have faith in the vaccination should not take it. So what’s the problem?
If the minister rejects their request, it might be because of the severe side effects and many CHK members can ch”v be harmed or even worse. They know something that cannot be publicized.
When they stop ripping off fellow Yidden at their most vulnerable time, I’ll give a listen. Until then, spare us your crocodile tears.