Iran gave its first official reaction to the U.S. election on Wednesday, with the very top of the Islamic Republic’s cleric-led government, the supreme leader himself, aiming ridicule squarely at Mr. Trump on the president’s platform of choice.
“What a spectacle!” tweeted Ali Khamenei. “One says this is the most fraudulent election in US history. Who says that? The president who is currently in office. His rival says Trump intends to rig the election!”
In Tehran, the Trump administration’s policy of harsh sanctions is really hurting. A good example: On Election Day in the U.S., CBS News visited a lab managing the testing program for Iran’s serious COVID-19 outbreak. They can’t make nearly enough, because sanctions have choked off Iran’s access to foreign equipment and chemicals.
Read more at CBS.
And what will they say when the truth comes out about the millions of fake ballots by the Democrats?
I suppose that it could be amusing to observe free elections, when your own half-decomposed Shiite Head tells you who your president is, and how you must conduct your life, or else.
He’s right