Israel: Arab Lawmaker Suddenly Dies At 49

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Ra’am lawmaker Saeed Alkharumi died Tuesday night in Beersheba’s Soroka Hospital from a heart attack at 49-years-old.

Born in the Segev Shalom Bedouin community near the southern city Beersheba, Alkharumi served on the village’s regional council and as chairman of the southern Islamic Movement’s political bureau.

He headed the Knesset’s Interior and Environmental Protection Committee. Iman Khatib-Yasin, fifth on the Ra’am list, will replace him. Her appointment brings the number of female lawmakers in Israel to a record 36.

Read more at i24NEWS



  1. Yes. Another person died because he mindlessly took the deadly vaccine and the almighty booster shot. Now, we know the Shin Daled will make sure this is covered up and never sees the light of day.


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