ISRAEL: Health Ministry Says Don’t Leave Home Unless Necessary

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The Health Ministry announces sweeping new restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, requiring Israelis not to leave their homes unless for essential needs.

Those needs include shopping for groceries, picking up medicine, receiving medical care and other essential services. People who can go to their workplaces in accordance with the ministry’s guidelines can do so.

The ministry says going to parks, playgrounds, the beach, pools, libraries, museums, national parks or other public places is forbidden, unless people are taking out their pets or children.

Read more at Times of Israel.



    • And this is the same minister that fired 2 professional doctors for revealing the truth about the danger of measles vaccination.

  1. What does a Gerrer chossid from Brooklyn turned politician know about medicine ? Could we hear from real doctors please . (disclaimer: I am a proud Gerrer chossid)

    • He happens to be an amazing health minister. AND IM NOT GUR! He has done more for the health system than any other minister has done before. There’s a tone of politics in your writing.. Lets look for the good!


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