Israel registered the highest number of Covid cases in a month on Wednesday, a day after all preschoolers and students in grades one through six were required to present a negative coronavirus test to return to school after the Chanukah break, the Jerusalem Post reports. There were 786 new virus carriers identified on Tuesday, the Health Ministry reported. A week earlier, they were 607.
The Health Ministry decided on Wednesday that people who have been infected with the Omicron variant will be required to spend 14 days in isolation instead of 10. It said that these individuals will also only be able to leave isolation if they have not experienced symptoms for three days.
So far, only 21 Omicron cases have been identified in the country.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Wear masks. It saves lives.
Or you can stay in your Mommy’s basement.
Wait a minute. Israel is the highest vaccinated country. They are protected because of the vaccines. How can it be that they are all getting Covid? Are the vaccines useless?
Because the Almighty is punishing bennett for banishing we Frum Jews from coming to Israel to Daven at the Kossel & visit our loved ones, but welcoming people to the miss world pageantry. HaShem is teaching bennett that his method is not going to be allowed to succeed, and he [bennett] has to let Frum Jews into Israel, which was given to us by HaShem, rather than the pageantry people, who simply don’t belong in Israel.
Of course! They’re the world’s experimental vax grounds! It’s so blatant. Pathetic how long it’ll take more ppl to wake up.
1. The Omicron variant is NOT a threat. It’s merely coming because we’re closer to a cold season of winter.
2. Social Distancing is the act of being DALET AMMOT from someone who is an Apikoros.
3. But we have enough antibodies and treatments for Covid. There’s no reason to shut down the world.
the “people” in the hospital beds are plastic figures…propaganda???
Actually it makes sense as Israel has the highest meshugaim taking the covid vax which causes covid. 99% patients in Israel had taken at least 1-2 shots. There you go.