Israel: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Chickens To Be Killed As Bird Flu Spreads; Egg Shortage Due

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Israel’s Agriculture Ministry announced today that hundreds of thousands of additional chickens in northern Israel would be culled, amid a spread of the fatal H5N1 bird flu virus in chicken coops in Moshav Margaliot on the Lebanese border, Times of Israel reports.

320,000 laying hens near Margaliot are to be culled in the coming days, in addition to the 244,000 that have been killed in the town over the past week. The move is expected to cause a shortage of some 14 million eggs, out of the 200 million eggs Israelis consume each month.

The ministry also stated that it was concerned about the possibility of people being infected with the virus via the coops that are adjacent to homes in the moshav.

{ Israel}


  1. The same liars who created panic to its citizens with a non-existent virus and non-existent variants to get them to take death jabs, are now trying to sound the alarm on “bird flu”.

  2. Hundreds Of Thousands Of Chickens To Be Killed Such unnecessary cruelty. Give these birds antibiotics, and these birds shall be just fine.


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