Israel Likely to Impose Mask Mandate at Outdoor Events

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Kan 11 News reports that a recommendation for the public to wear masks outdoors during gatherings and events with a large number of participants is being considered by the Israeli Ministry of Health. An obligation to wear masks in events with 100 participants or more, even in the open air, appears likely, Arutz Sheva reports.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health believes that about 80% of the cases of COVID-19 in Israel were caused by the new Omicron strain. Due to this, a policy of stopping the genetic sequencing in a sweeping manner will soon begin. The genetic paving will continue for all those returning from abroad, for all the hospitalized patients and for those who come out positive in the special PCR tests, the use of which will also be greatly reduced.

Arutz Sheva reports that the Ministry of Health announced a new procedure for isolation for people exposed to verified COVID-19 patients, which took effect Wednesday at midnight. The new procedure allows vaccinated patients who have been exposed to a verified patient to be tested with an antigen test, and if this test comes back negative, they will receive an exemption from isolation. If the antigen test is positive, a PCR test will be needed.

{ Israel}


    • You’re talking about the flu. Coronavirus is a hoax. It doesn’t exist and never existed. It’s a new word to cause fear-mongering in order to vaccinate the people and make lockdowns.


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