Israel’s death toll from the coronavirus pandemic reached 6,668 after 36 patients died on Sunday, according to an update to the Health Ministry’s website.
Access to all public venues will be subject to presenting a vaccination certificate or a negative test from the past 72 hours.
Private gatherings will be limited to 100 people outdoors and 50 indoors, while in large halls and venues the cap will be at 500 outdoors and 400 indoors.
Read more at i24NEWS.
The “virus” = diarrhea, sneezing, low fever and running nose. You have to be a shoitesh to think there’s a virus going in Israel.
Until you fall victim to a serious version.
Name 1 person in the world who “died from corona virus” and didn’t have existing illness, wasn’t murdered by doctors or nurses in the hospital and didn’t take the poison jab?
FYI ANY PERSON who didn’t have any existing illness and didn’t take the jab and died “from corona virus” in a hospital WAS MURDERED! PROVE ME WRONG!
sadly this is correct and some hospitals are still only following “protocol” which can definitely kill patients. I saw such a case 2 months ago. Yale hospital has not lost 1 COVID patient which proves that it is completely treatable if you treat correctly. Call Chaim Medical BEFORE you go to the hospital to make sure you go to a hospital that will actually treat you.
Kol hakovid for taking pikuach nefesh concerns seriously!
Let them first ban smoking!
The utter insanity and overreacting of the govt. The real number is only 0.004294488 of the population with the virus. These numbers are available online. It’s not my number. It’s their number of people testing positive divided by the number of people in the country.
BH BH BH The number of deaths attributed to the virus is very very very very very low, only 0.0032409075 of number testing positive.
I truly hope and pray that people of EY wake up and force the government to step the tyranny and the fear-mongering! Excuse
My apologies that Google Voice messed up what I was saying in my message. I hope you can figure it out for yourselves, the Israeli government, much like our governments here in the United States is acting very tyrannical for no reason. All they’re doing is fear mongering.