Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s daughter has tested positive for the coronavirus, and will enter quarantine, a spokesman for the prime minister said, Times of Israel reports. The prime minister left Sunday’s cabinet meeting on the Golan Heights after receiving news of his daughter’s positive test and will also self-isolate, separately from his daughter, until he receives a negative PCR test, according to the spokesperson. Bennett took a rapid antigen test before attending the meeting and tested negative.
The daughter who is 14 years old, was vaccinated against COVID-19 in June.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Don’t bother ever again coming out of quarantine:_ We don’t need you, bennett!! Stay isolated & off limits permanently. All of us even including you bennett, shall be infinitely way better off with you permanently off limits.
or join sleepy joe permanently in his Delaware basement, and an even better situation for all of mankind.
“The daughter who is 14 years old, was vaccinated against COVID-19 in June.”
Maybe that will teach her rodef father, who only gave his daughter a saline solution shot!
True, he only gave his daughter a saline shot but there’s no proof that his dtr was tested positive. More likely it’s what the post below 1:40 writes like all the other politicians who tested positive or self-quarantines for some bogus reasons.
Self quarantined = House Arrest
Self-quarantined + coronavirus exposure = Detained & Questioned
Tested negative = No Confession, Going To Trial
Tested positive = Confessed To Take Deal, Execution Out Of The Public Eye