Israel Police to Allow Baba Sali Hilula to Go On

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After originally banning the event ostensibly due to security and COVID concerns, Israeli police will allow a hilula yahrtzeit event to take place at the kever of the Baba Sali, Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeirah in Netivot.

The change in decision was made after Netivot Mayor Yehiel Zohar visited the site with Police Southern District Commander Peretz Amar.

The hilula will take place next week, but the kever itself will be cordoned off.

The initial cancellation was supposedly due to safety concerns due to the Meron tragedy on Lag Ba’omer, where 45 people were killed due to overcrowding.

{ Israel}


  1. Chassidim (like in Meron) have to learn from the Sefardim how to handle the Israeli politicians to stick up for your rights.


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