Israel Raises Threat Level for Armenia, Maldives, Lowers it for Brazil

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Israel’s National Security Council lowered its travel warning for Brazil on Thursday, while raising its alert levels for Armenia and the Maldives.

The travel warning level in the South Caucasus country was increased to Level 2 (occasional threat) “due to an increased risk to Israelis/Jews in Armenia from terrorist elements.” The National Security Council stressed that it was not a call to leave the country, but to exercise caution.

For the Maldives, an archipelagic state in South Asia in the Indian Ocean, the travel warning was escalated from Level 2 to Level 3 (medium threat) “due to the presence of terror supporters in the islands and growing hostility toward Israelis and Jews.” The recommendation is to avoid nonessential travel to the country.

For Brazil, the alert level was lowered from Level 2 to Level 1 (no warning), except for the tri-border area between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.



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