Israel: Rivlin Receives Official Election Results, Hopes For ‘Out-Of-Ordinary Coalition’

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Israel’s Central Elections Committee (CEC) submitted Wednesday Israeli President Reuven Rivlin the official results of the elections to the 24th Knesset (Israel Parliament) in a ceremony at the president’s residence in Jerusalem.

The president expressed his hope that parliamentarians will be “able to hear the Israeli people and their call for out-of-the-ordinary coalitions [and] collaborations” that will solve the country’s prolonged political deadlock.

Rivlin called on politicians to “heal divisions,” pass a budget and “rescue” institutions of the state from the political stalemate.

Read more at i24NEWS.



    • How exactly does BB preserve the Jewish State with buses going on Shabbos, shops open on Shabbos, pork shops, etc.? Out with BB Hope he loses.


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