A team from Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs will head to Guatemala later this week to support local authorities in addressing the Lev Tahor cult. This initiative follows a raid by Guatemalan law enforcement on Lev Tahor’s compound, which resulted in the rescue of around 200 children from the group.
The delegation, comprising experts specializing in helping cult survivors, will offer their insights and expertise in assisting victims and their families. While in Guatemala, they will work closely with officials from the country’s welfare, mental health, and law enforcement sectors to establish a professional system that is both effective and culturally sensitive in supporting the survivors.
“The Welfare Ministry has been following the case of the Lev Tahor cult for about a decade,” said Yinon Aharoni, the ministry’s director. “Sharing professional knowledge with the authorities in Guatemala is an important step in our continuous efforts to help the cult’s victims and prevent additional harm to the children.”
Ilan Sharif, the head of the ministry’s department for cult victims, emphasized the concern for the children’s safety, given the cult’s harsh system of control and punishment. Founded by an Israeli citizen, the cult includes several Israeli members and has moved across various countries, even attempting to reach Iran, before settling back in Guatemala.
Lev Tahor is as much ‘Tahor’ and the ‘Woke’ are awake.
Lev Tahor is as much ‘Tahor’ as the ‘Woke’ are awake.