IT NEVER ENDS: Some Experts Say It’s Time To Upgrade Our Face Masks

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There was a shortage of N-95 masks for health care workers at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now that high-filtration masks are in stock, it may be time to upgrade from a cloth mask. Mechanical engineer and self-described “mask nerd” Aaron Collins joins CBSN anchor Lana Zak to break down which masks are best.



  1. Last year the masks worked quite well for their purpose of fear-mongering as it brought many to hospitals with respiratory problems, aka covid or coronavirus, then were hooked onto ventilators and voila! no time another one dead.

  2. Last year the masks worked quite well for “the experts” fear-mongering plan as it brought many to hospitals with respiratory problems, aka covid or coronavirus, then were hooked onto ventilators and voila! in a few minutes another one dead.

  3. It will end when people will stop complying. Look at the Amish – nobody sick of the covid nonsense and nobody took the death jab. And the same with many other communities who never complied.


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