Yahadut Hatorah MK Yaakov Litzman says that he will not run in any upcoming election.
“If there are new elections, I won’t be running,” Litzman told the Knesset television channel in an interview. “I’m not going to the Knesset again. At my age, I’ve served in the Knesset for more than 23 years.”
Litzman is 73 years old.
Litzman, whose full name is Yaakov Noach Litzman, was born on September 2, 1948 in a displaced person’s camp in Germany. When he was two years old, his family immigrated to the East New York section of Brooklyn, and then to Boro Park, where he grew up. In 1966, at age 17, he immigrated to Israel.
Litzman has five children and lives in Yerushalayim. He is a member of the Gerer chassidus.
His first job was as principal of a Bais Yaakov girls’ school in Yerushalayim. He became active in politics under the guidance of the then-Gerrer Rebbe, Rav Simcha Bunim Alter. Over time, he became known as the rebbe‘s right-hand man, a role he continues under the present Gerrer Rebbe. In 1999, the present rebbe asked Litzman to join the Agudas Yisrael faction of the United Torah Judaism list for the Knesset elections that year. He was subsequently elected, and became Chairman of the Finance Committee. He headed the UTJ list for the 2003 elections, and was re-elected, again becoming the Chair of the Finance Committee.
Litzman was re-elected again in 2006, retaining his chairmanship of the Finance Committee, and for a fourth time in 2009, after which UTJ joined the new government, in which Litzman was appointed Deputy Minister of Health. After Litzman was re-elected in 2013, UTJ was excluded from the coalition government. However, following the 2015 elections, he was re-appointed Deputy Minister of Health.
Litzman served on the Knesset’s Internal Affairs Committee from 1999 to 2001, and as the Deputy Chairman of the Knesset Labor and Welfare Committee. As part of the coalition agreement with the ruling government of Ariel Sharon in 2001, Litzman was appointed chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee, a position he held until 2003, and again from 2005 to 2007.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Good riddance!
Any minister who fires doctors for telling parents the truth about vaxines in general should be kicked out of the government.
Hopefully they can reverse the decision to poison the populace by putting dangerous Flouride in their drinking water.
יעקב Litzman is a צדיק גמור who has dedicated his life & time to helping the ציבור at large, and helping advance religion in an antagonistic environment, so how dare anyone even so much as dare say 1 comment against this righteous individual.
May יעקב Litzman merit to enjoy many happy Golden years.