JAB CAPITAL: Israel Is the Third Most Vaccinated Country in the World Per Capita

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As the Omicron coronavirus strain is spreading throughout the world, researchers at Israel’s largest hospital, Sheba Medical Center, have concluded that people who were vaccinated with Pfizer shots half a year ago or more had “almost no neutralizing ability” against Omicron, while those given a booster shot were far better protected, Times of Israel reports.

Thanks to Israel’s early decision to give boosters, at a time when the World Health Organization loudly opposed third doses, Israel is the third most-boosted country in the world per capita, after Iceland and Chile.

Israelis have received 44 booster shots per 100 citizens, which is particularly high given that there is a large population of under-16s who are largely ineligible for boosters. The figure for the U.S. stands at 17 booster shots per 100, and the world average is 5.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. The third most vaccinated does NOT mean the most vaccinated amount of people. It means the most amount of vaccines used. 3 shots on one person is counted as 3 separate people; 2 shots is counted as 2 separate people. Israel inflates the total amount of injected.

  2. “A historically unprecedented worldwide awakening is happening, where hundreds of millions of people are beginning to see how their governments, media and health organizations are indescribably corrupt, and are lying to them in ways nobody could have ever imagined in their worst nightmares. As a result, innumerable people in every nation no longer blindly submit themselves to the criminal plans of their overlords, but they have begun to rise up and take action to build a better world.

    “The magnitude of this worldwide awakening is beyond anyone’s comprehension. Nothing like this has ever occurred since the beginning of time.

    “Still, it is only just starting, and is nothing compared to what the world is about to witness soon. As vaccine adverse events get worse worldwide, as healthy and innocent people are rounded up in quarantine camps, as vaccine passports are required to participate in society, and so many more insane things are happening, this current awakening will evolve into something we cannot even imagine…”

    • “As vaccine adverse events get worse worldwide”

      They aren’t. The vaccines have saved millions of lives. 8.5 billion vaccine doses so far and barely any adverse events.

      • Barely any? Are you reading news from 10 years ago? Have you read anywhere that doctors and nurses are refusing the jabs? Why? If it’s so good and saves lives, why would doctors, professors, truckers, pilots, etc refuse it? Are you Charles B Hall and Kova Tembel one and the same?


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