Jewish Comedian: Hollywood Has A ‘Jewface’ Problem

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Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman called out Hollywood’s tendency to cast non-Jewish actors to play Jewish characters, referring to the practice as “Jewface.”

The comedian, 50, pointed to Kathryn Hahn as the most recent example after the Catholic-raised actress, 48, was tapped to portray the late Joan Rivers, who was Jewish, in an upcoming limited series.

“There’s this long tradition of non-Jews playing Jews, and not just playing people who happen to be Jewish but people whose Jewishness is their whole being,” Silverman said in Thursday’s episode of her eponymous podcast, adding, “One could argue, for instance, that a Gentile [a non-Jew] playing Joan Rivers correctly would be doing what is actually called ‘Jewface.’”

She continued, “It’s defined as when a non-Jew portrays a Jew with the Jewishness front and center, often with makeup or changing of features, big fake nose, all the New York-y or Yiddish-y inflection. And in a time when the importance of representation is seen as so essential and so front and center, why does ours constantly get breached even today in the thick of it?”

Read more at Page Six.



  1. Jewface? Every Human Being’s face is precious in the eyes of the Creator, HKB”H.
    That’s why we should never instruct a three year old Upsherin boy not to look at the face of a Tomei Goy or a Tomei cat.

  2. Wow. Fascinating fascinating article. It helps clarify so many long misunderstood notions. Thank you Matzav for sharing. Tremendous. Me kiamcha Yisroel?

  3. Can a goy play Yoshke?
    Can an atheist play a Moslem?
    Can a Boro Parker play a Forshayer?
    Can a Yekke play a Litvak?
    Oy, such dilemmas!

  4. Really, Matzav. Why was it necessary to post this machsheifa ?


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