Jill Biden’s Chief Of Staff Picked For US Ambassador To Spain

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President Biden has picked first lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff, Julissa Reynoso, to be the U.S. ambassador to Spain.

The White House announced Reynoso’s nomination in a statement on Tuesday, along with the president’s picks for eight other administration roles.

Reynoso, who has been the co-chair of the Gender Policy Council, has also previously served as a deputy assistant secretary of State in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and on the faculty of the Columbia University School of Law and School of International and Public Affairs, her alma mater.

Reynoso, who is fluent in Spanish, served as a clerk for federal Judge Laura Taylor Swain as well, according to the news release.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Fake News! The Jill Biden actor has as much power as the Joe Biden actor. To prove it, this article is from a radical leftist media who has 0% credibility.

  2. While she isn’t a black woman, whom Biden greatly prefers, she is involved with the Gender Policy Council, which by its very name makes her a good candidate for ambassadorship.
    We don’t need anyone representing our country abroad, who isn’t woke enough to preach that gender is a social construct, despite absolute chromosomal evidence to the contrary. How dare anyone to “assign” something at birth, without consulting the child?


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