John Kerry Defies the White House on Egypt

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kerryLooks like grudges stick in the State department. Secretary of State John Kerry doesn’t see eye-to-eye with National Security Adviser Susan Rice-and their feud became public as Kerry followed his own agenda during his recent trip to Egypt.

“John Kerry doesn’t agree with Susan Rice on big portions of our Egypt policy, and he made a deliberate and conscious decision not to mention Morsi in his Cairo meetings,” a senior administration official told The Daily Beast.

The White House maintains that Kerry and the administration have the same goal: to put Egypt back on track toward functional democracy, and pointed to Kerry calling out the government’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, even if the Secretary didn’t ever say Morsi’s name. Read more at The Daily Beast.

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  1. This administration is coming apart at the seams. Every administration has internal feuds. But these are public, and the party isn’t backing them up. IRS, Obamacare, now this.


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