Johnson & Johnson Officer Says Goal Is To Deliver 1 Billion Coronavirus Vaccines Next Year

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A Johnson & Johnson executive said Sunday that the company’s goal is to deliver 1 billion doses of coronavirus vaccine next year.

Paul Stoffels, the company’s chief scientific officer, told ABC’s “This Week” that Johnson & Johnson is increasing its manufacturing and preparing for clinical trials in September. He hopes to have data and start developing the vaccines at the end of the year.

“We are upscaling manufacturing, and we start producing in the late year with the aim to deliver 1 billion vaccines next year,” he said.

Stephanopoulos also asked Stoffels if the pandemic will pass without a vaccine,.
“We are hoping it will,” Stoffels responded, but added, “we don’t think so.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Will this vaccine be given to children?

    Inclusion of Children in Clinical Trials of Treatments for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
    Thomas J. Hwang, AB1; Adrienne G. Randolph, MD, MSc2; Florence T. Bourgeois, MD, MPH1
    JAMA Pediatr. Published online May 7, 2020.

    The exclusion of children from COVID-19 clinical trials is a tremendous lost opportunity to generate timely knowledge to guide treatment of pediatric populations. Without adequate studies, if any COVID-19 therapies successfully obtain regulatory approval, clinicians would need to prescribe them for children off label. Simple extrapolation from adult to pediatric patients may not account for developmental differences in pathophysiology and drug metabolism. In the absence of pediatric data available at the time of regulatory approval, children may be exposed to ineffective dosing or possibly unsafe treatments. Pediatric investigators are currently working collaboratively to collect multicenter observational data as the next best option. It is possible that pediatric trials could be initiated after regulatory approval, but these likely will be more challenging and time consuming to conduct once the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic has passed.

    Vaccine trials:

  2. One quarter of the vaccines being studied use new technology, such as mRNA.

    Vaccine researchers familiar with both DNA and mRNA vaccines like to play up mRNA vaccine safety, citing the fact that the vaccines do not have to penetrate the cell nucleus. However, with years of mRNA vaccine experimentation behind them, none of these researchers has yet achieved licensure. Why? One answer may be that in preclinical studies, mRNA vaccines have displayed an “intrinsic” inflammatory component that makes it difficult to establish an “acceptable risk/benefit profile.” mRNA enthusiasts admit that there is, as yet, an inadequate understanding of the inflammation and autoimmune reactions that may result. This raises many questions about what will happen if regulators grant the manufacturers of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines their wish for “a fast-track process to get mRNA vaccines to people sooner.”

    • Even you yourself will not be able to do anything about it because it’s be too late… This is a depopulation vaccine as Bill Gates promised, hoping to kill 15% of the world.

      The same guy who says “we need to depopulate the planet” suddenly wants to save everyone with his vaccines…

  3. Please take the vaccine. It’s Bill Gate’s evil plan of population control. Please head warnings before doing anything drastic. Mekubalim in Eretz Yisroel are warning against it. Please Daven that Moshiach comes before before it comes out next year! We can’t afford him not to!

    • Why did you not stay home during a time of epidemic? There would be no interest in developing a vaccine unless there are billions of people who will be begging for it, ready to pay anything. Did your grandparents not tell you what it was like with penicilline?

  4. If a vaccine ( a dead or weakened virus) can provide immunity, then why are the millions of people who have recovered from the corona virus still being forced to stay at home because “a presence of antibodies doesn’t equal immunity” ?! I smell a rat….

  5. A vaccine was attempted for SARS and MERS virus (both are Coronavirus) years ago but were unsuccessful. Clinical trials on mice caused vaccine enhancement which means that the mice got sicker and developed other diseases. If a vaccine is developed, it could cause serious injuries and death, r’l.

  6. Johnson & Johnson Officer Says Goal Is To Depopulate 1 Billion From The 8 Billion People In The World.

  7. This whole pandemic came about from researching a vaccine for Coronavirus (in the wuhan institute of virology)

    283,000 people DIED so far

    Lets just think for a minute what would’ve happened had this been my a virus let out of some institute of ‘Herbology’ concocting a so called cure for a virus that has never gone around amongst humans.

    The Herbalists would be hung! And every single herb would be banned.

    Instead we ask the same people that brought the death to “cure” us?!?


  8. I will not be forced by the government or unzera mosrim to take any flu shot or a vaccination against corona. Call me all the names in the book. I’m not taking it.


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