JUST KIDDING: President Trump Says Was Being Sarcastic When He Recommended Disinfectant As COVID-19 Treatment

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President Trump on Friday said he was being sarcastic when he suggested multiple times a day earlier that scientists should consider exposing the body to light, heat and disinfectants as a potential treatment for the coronavirus.

“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump told reporters at an Oval Office bill signing.

“I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside,” the president continued. “But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. The video shows he clearly wasn’t and when the reporter asked him about his irresponsibility in touting fake cures he said fake media. With Trump supporters it is go to Fake media, liberal media it polls well, but it is important not to suspent our cognitive ability to separate fact from fixtion. If he was sarcastic, then head of FDA, The surgeon general, poison control, lysol and a host of other people warn not to do this. Watch the video.

  2. Sorry Mr. POTUS, no room anymore for any sarcasm and/or irony and/or joking or kidding around with the royal mess you have in your hands.

  3. When I watched him saying this at the press conference, I got the impression that he was proposing development of a medically safe disinfectant, not Lysol off the shelf.

  4. Does anyone else have a trash can to empty tonight? Go do it. Leave the lysol out of your poor day. Mr. Trump has been asked too much.

  5. one of these few things that our dear president is very talented at is expressing sarcasm. In this case, he was clearly being serious and we all know it.


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