Kaliver Rebbe Travels to Give Chizuk to IDF Soldiers in Gush Etzion

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In celebration of Chanukah, the Kaliver Rebbe made a visit to IDF soldiers in Gush Etzion.

During his visit, the Rebbe distributed sufganiyot to the soldiers and offered them his bracha.

As he toured various military positions and facilities, the Rebbe took time to personally engage with the soldiers, sharing words of chizuk.

“We came to be mechazeik the soldiers and we left stronger thanks to their spirit of sacrifice and determination,” the Rebbe stated after the visit.

This visit was part of a broader series of visits by the Kaliver Rebbe to different IDF bases around the country, aimed at uplifting the soldiers’ spirits during this challenging time.

{Matzav.com Israel}



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