Vice-president Kamala Harris is doing a blitz of end-of-the-year interviews. Among them is one airing today with CBS’s Face the Nation host Margaret Sullivan. The takeaway from the interview is when Kamala is asked what her biggest failure has been as vice-president, she said she doesn’t get outside the D.C. bubble enough.
Kamala’s polling numbers are bad. She usually comes off as tone-deaf and uses a nervous habit of cackling before answering a serious question. She did that, too, with Brennan. She began her response with a cackle as if to brush the question aside. She has a fear of being guilty of living in a bubble, she said.
She can blame the pandemic for a lack of traveling to do her job but Biden, who is 79 years old and noticeably feeble, gets out of his basement to pitch his Build Back Better fever dream of social spending legislation and to take a victory lap for getting the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed. Kamala made one trip to the El Paso area this year and did so without incident. It’s possible, she just has the excuse of the pandemic to not go to where she doesn’t want to go. The pandemic hasn’t stopped her from traveling back and forth to California and her home there. She made appearances with Gavin Newsom this year.
Did Kamala ever get to the root cause of white supremacy? Did she ever get to the root cause of migration? I hope her friend Elizabeth Holmes is put away in prison for many years until she goes senile. All the greedy investors should be thrown in prison as well.
we don’t have a vice president
so what
we don’t have a president, either
Why doesn’t she travel more often? Has her broomstick been broken for almost a year?
She could always borrow Hillary’s….
What this genius really means to say:
That the most viral quote of her sounding like a fool, was the quote regarding NOT TRAVELING to the border.
Maybe it’s a failure to read newspapers. Might be more a failure to see common straight need.
To think the lady just wants more flyer miles is ignorant and should definitely be compared to the competent Vice Presidents of so many eras. She is a floozy who eases drum guilt into a missing valued USA.
No tense times. Just tense shoes. She should just go to the spa and say she is sorry. A real floozy.
Can she shake her head up and down while saying, yes my name is Kamala Harris-and I am your VP, a few more times