Kamala Harris Has Support Of Enough Democratic Delegates To Become Party’s Presidential Nominee

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Vice President Kamala Harris has garnered enough Democratic delegate support to secure her party’s nomination against Republican Donald Trump, according to an Associated Press survey conducted after President Joe Biden withdrew his bid for reelection.

Harris, endorsed by Biden shortly after his announcement, swiftly rallied the support of party donors, elected officials, and other leaders.

However, the Associated Press has not officially declared Harris the presumptive nominee, as the convention delegates retain the freedom to vote for any candidate during the convention in August or in a potential virtual roll call before the event in Chicago.

The AP survey indicates that she has the backing of more than the necessary 1,976 delegates to secure a first-ballot win. It also reveals that she is the overwhelming favorite within her party to succeed Biden, as no other candidate was mentioned by any delegate interviewed by AP.

By Monday night, Harris had the confirmed support of at least 2,214 delegates, according to the AP tally, securing her the nomination on the first ballot.

Biden’s decision to exit the race on Sunday, prompted by voter concerns about his fitness for office following his June 27 debate with Trump and a revolt among party leaders and donors, quickly unified the party behind Harris. This rapid consolidation aimed to resolve weeks of internal conflict over Biden’s political future and focus on defeating Trump with just over 100 days until Election Day.

The AP tally is based on interviews with individual delegates, public statements from state parties, many of which declared their delegations’ support for Harris en masse, and endorsements from individual delegates.

Securing the nomination was just the beginning of Harris’s considerable political agenda after learning of Biden’s plans to withdraw on a Sunday morning call with the president. She must now select a running mate and shift a vast political operation originally designed to reelect Biden to support her campaign.

On Sunday afternoon, Biden’s campaign was officially renamed Harris for President, reflecting her inheritance of his political infrastructure of over 1,000 staffers and a war chest nearing $96 million as of the end of June. Her campaign reported adding $81 million to this total within the first 24 hours after Biden’s endorsement — a record-breaking presidential fundraising effort — with contributions from more than 888,000 donors.

If elected, Harris would make history as the first woman and the first person of South Asian descent to become president.



  1. This is all being done without any input whatsoever from the US voters. A complete disenfranchisement of 15 million people. Is this democracy?

  2. The same democrats who “voted” for the fake Biden and then had him drop out.
    This Kamala actor has as much chance to win as the Biden actor: 0%


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