KIDDUSH HASHEM: 1,700 Mechanchos Attend Lakewood Event on Hilchos Shemiras Halashon

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A massive event held last night, Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, gathered 1,700 mechanchos from over local 70 schools in the Lakewood, NJ area for an insightful and uplifting evening focused on hilchos shemiras halashon as it relates to school matters.

The event, which took place at Fountain Ballroom in Lakewood, brought together principals, teachers, tutors, therapists, and secretaries for a dynamic and thought-provoking program.

Mrs. S. Schechter, menaheles of Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood, kicked off the evening with opening remarks on the power of words and their impact on school dynamics.

The highlight of the evening was a shailos uteshuvos presentation featuring Rav Yaakov Forchheimer, senior posek at Bais Medrash Govoah, who answered questions such as if and how a teacher may answer inquires like, “What kind of student was she?” and “What type of class am I getting?” The Q-&-A session was moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Director of Torah Initiatives at Agudath Israel of America.



  1. Did anyone address the way in which girls who have discipline issues in school are handled? How about shmiras halashon specific to use of cell phones? This may or may not include social media. How about bullying and its sequelae? The Kiddush Hashem should be about the tangible results of this event, not the number of people in attendance.

  2. I want such an event for me in the 5 towns
    About the horrible effects of Lashon hara.. on ppl, on relationships

    I had a guy tell me about someone who I thought of very highly and thought thatbeveryone else did also and this guy says “ppl don’t really like so much so and so” and I realized later on how this persons few words altered my whole perspective about this fellow even though I didn’t necessarily know what he was saying to what extent it was accurate, but he caused that for me subconsciously this guy is not such great stuff and he didn’t even say it maliciously he said it agav grara, kol shakein when ppl have bad intentions

    We must have gatherings about lashan hara everywhere, to run from it like the plague

  3. When families are turned down and not accepted to a yeshiva or school. How does that process go about without breaching shmiras ha’loshon. Usually Jewish likewise families enrolling to these moisdos.


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