Knesset Committee Urging Israeli Schoolchildren to Visit Har Habayis in Violation of Halacha

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At the urging of the right-wing Beyadeinu organization, the Knesset Education Committee is recommending making study of Har Habayis a compulsory part of the curriculum – and increasing school tours to the holy site.

This is in defiance of the psak of gedolei haposkim and the Chief Rabbinate that it is forbidden to enter its precincts.

The Education Ministry is to decide on the issue within eight weeks.

{ Israel}


    • No, it’s not. It’s pure nationalism, not Judaism.

      Regardless, there is nothing visibly Jewish on Har HaBayis, at least as opposed to the Kosel.

    • but its fine for the Arabs to defile the holiest place everyday of the year. you would have the Arabs rule over the area for the next 1000 years rather than reclaim the holiest place in Judaism. the world doesn’t look at the Har habayes as Jewish just solely Muslim. I wonder why that is. nine tenths being possession!


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