Kyle Rittenhouse: I Support Black Lives Matter

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Kyle Rittenhouse was interviewed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, his first media appearance since he was found not guilty of all five charges against him in his murder trial. In a clip from that interview released by Fox News, Rittenhouse insisted that his actions “had nothing to do with race,” and expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement and peaceful demonstrations.

Part of Carlson’s interview will air Monday evening during Tucker Carlson Tonight, and the remainder will be included in an episode of his documentary series Tucker Carlson Originals.

In the clip that aired on Fox News on Sunday, Rittenhouse responds to critics who accused him of acting out of some kind of racial animus. Multiple commentators on MSNBC, for example, have called Rittenhouse a racist or White supremacist and MSNBC host Tiffany Cross called him a “little murderous White supremacist” on Sunday.

“This case has nothing to do with race,” said Rittenhouse. “It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense. I’m not a racist person,” Rittenhouse said. “I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating.”

In an extended transcript provided to Mediaite by Fox News, Rittenhouse continued, “I believe there needs to be change. I believe there’s a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case but in other cases. It’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of someone.”




  1. While many of us are thrilled that KR was acquitted completely (mainly because self defense in the US was under a great threat with this bogus trial), don’t think for a nano-second that anyone attributes any wisdom to this junior twit. Which idiot goes to a riot far from home at great risk to his life to protect a car dealership? And brings along a rifle?! And which mother, btw, drives her son there?

    So if the foolish child doesn’t recognize that BLM are as interested in helping blacks or saving their lives as much as I am interested in a 2-hour heavy metal concert, we can’t be at all surprised, can we?

    • I am so sorry but you have got all your facts wrong on this case. His mother didn’t drive him. He had driven in the night before to spend time at a friend that he often hung out with (He spent a lot of time in Kenosha). Also, he was asked to protect property and he agree to do so. He had a reason to go. He was not just going because he was bored. I would bring a weapon when protecting property in a situation like that. So while I agree that a child that age does not have a fully developed brain and can make bad decisions, it is important to look at the facts of the case before calling him names like that! I advise you to listen to the actual trial instead of getting your information news sources. That will give you the real facts of this case.

  2. Well he said “I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating.”
    To me that means, he supports anyone who demonstrates peaceful because its their right.

    But if they arent peaceful he’ll bring his big along to help them stay peaceful.

  3. He wasn’t trying to keep others peaceful. He was protecting property from getting destroyed. If he wanted to kill anyone who was misbehaving that night he could have done so earlier. He had many opportunities to do so before he did. All the people he harmed first approached and tried to harm him. He wasn’t looking to find trouble makers. He was just defending himself.


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