Lab-Grown Chicken To Go On Sale For First Time

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An American startup will begin selling lab-grown chicken in Singapore after winning what it calls the world’s first government approval for “cultured” meat.

San Francisco-based Eat Just uses chicken muscle cells to produce the sustainable and healthy alternative to meat from slaughtered birds.

The company says it will bring its chicken nuggets to market in Singapore after winning the landmark regulatory clearance from the Singapore Food Agency. Eat Just plans to grow the man-made poultry in the Southeast Asian city-state and sell it to restaurants before making it available to consumers.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. Who said this won’t cause cancer and/or other diseases? After all, this is not a live chicken (which simply doesn’t survive if it has some major genetic defects), but an endless copy of what is supposed to be a muscle cell; a purity of which no one can guarantee, since contaminations happen even in the lab conditions, and a DNA cell can only be duplicated so many times before it becomes defective. They should get a decade long safety study, complete with numerous safety double-check procedures, before they are allowed to bring it to the market. Better be completely sure, before messing up with the food supply.


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