Labor Minister: ‘Delay Cancellation of Daycare Subsidies for at Least a Year’

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Minister of Labor Yoav Ben Tzur expressed strong disapproval on Wednesday towards Israel’s Attorney General for mandating that the exclusion of yeshiva students’ families from daycare subsidies be postponed for only three months.

In correspondence addressed to Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, Ben Tzur described this approach as “a temporary postponement, a superficial fix through a short-term measure that exacerbates the issue.”

He further stated that the intended modifications “directly contradict the fundamental objective of daycare subsidies,” which is to support women’s participation in the workforce.

Ben Tzur emphasized, “Your decision to defer the enforcement of the decree by just three months is not driven by ethical considerations. My stance is unequivocal: A postponement of at least one year is necessary to offer a viable solution for the countless young children, mothers, and caregivers whose futures, safety, and well-being are now jeopardized.”

“As the minister accountable for this matter, I must urgently highlight the impracticality of implementing your decision within the mere three-month timeframe. Attempting to execute your directive within this period is not only completely unrealistic but will also result in utter disorder… severely disrupting the Ministry’s operations, with all the repercussions that entails.”

Ben Tzur also condemned Baharav-Miara’s denial of his request to appoint a private attorney to represent him instead of her: “It is inconceivable that my perspective as the responsible minister should not be presented before the Supreme Court. Therefore, I urge you to immediately permit me to engage an external legal representative. This is both my right and my duty as the minister overseeing this issue.”

{ Israel}


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