Lack Of Progress In COVID Treatments Raises Concern

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A stall in treatment advances for COVID-19 has raised concern among medical experts about unvaccinated people, who still make up half the country, and their likelihood of surviving the coming wave of delta cases.

Though fewer people have died during the recent spike than earlier in the pandemic, that’s largely because many older people who are vulnerable to developing severe Covid-19 have been vaccinated.

Fundamental early fixes in treatment, like laying patients on their stomachs to help with breathing and administering the steroid dexamethasone, have helped increase the chances of surviving infection. But in recent months, there has been little progress beyond vaccines, said Jeffrey Morris, biostatistics professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

“That anybody is still dying of this — because it’s a vaccine-preventable death at this point — is now unbelievably frustrating,” said Roger Shapiro, associate professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health. “But if you take an unvaccinated person and give them COVID, right now, our tools are still limited.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. ““That anybody is still dying of this — because it’s a vaccine-preventable death at this point — is now unbelievably frustrating,” said Roger Shapiro…”

    What i find amazing is that it seems that Zelenko’s protocols/therapies is off the table. Not even discussed.
    (And btw it’s effective for all variants. Because all variants replicate the same way.)

    It’s so obvious how Hashem orchestrates the suppression of knowledge of Zelenko’s discovery;
    Anybody suffering from covid, and still doesn’t know about the simple therapies, or rejects it, apparently was/is meant to suffer C”V.

  2. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for the best news of the day. People are b”H waking up to the truth of these poisonous darts.


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