Chemed is a federally funded health organization. As such, they are beholden to the dictates of the state. Torah Jews are mandated to follow halacha and each individual should discuss vaccination of their children with their Morah Horah!
Did you know that local community health centers have received millions of dollars under the American Rescue Plan to promote covid vaccination in your community?? This creates a one sided narrative with questionable conflicts of interest that have prevented educational and availability of inexpensive clinically proven safe preventatives and early treatments.
Would you go to a Rav in a litigation when the other side slipped him a million bucks??
Vaccine event? Fun events? Are you people crazy? Want to murder more Jewish children?
How much longer will you allow the media to manipulate your minds with this covid/vax nonsense? How many more death jabs will you let them prick you and your family with? How many more deaths of loved ones will you allow for this hoax? When will you start realizing that “conspiracy theorists” “tinfoil hatters” were right all along that Covid/Coronavirus, Omicron, Delta and other “variants” have absolutely nothing to do with any medical illness? When will you start doing some research (via Duckduck.go as Google censors the truth) and learn that THE MEDIA IS LYING TO YOU & HAVE BEEN LYING TO YOU ABOUT THIS COVID FOR 2 YEARS and all this is about eradicating the elite criminals, the Hillarys, the queens, the politicians who’ve committed heinous crimes against humanity in Deep Underground Military Bases? H”Y what these “elite” criminals have been doing FOR DECADES with children in the deep tunnels – the missing children whose faces were posted on milk bottles and never found, plus millions more yearly!! Why wait for the upcoming EBS to wake you up and disclose what they did and why these criminals been coronavirused for good? No, they’re not around anymore. None of them! What you’re seeing are doubles, actors, clones. Compare the originals with the current ones and you’ll for yourself.
THIS IS NOT A JOKE! THE MORE YOU BELIEVE THEM AND COMPLY, THE MORE THEY CONTINUE THEIR “EXPERIMENTS” AND THEIR NEW “VARIANTS”. BUT THIS TIME IT’S NOT WITH CHILDREN UNDERGROUND, BUT WITH THE WEAK DUMB POPULATION ALL OVER THE WORLD. Do some investigation of what the new borns from the idiotic vaxed mothers look like today.. Thankfully, the majority of the population were not fooled.
It’s ALL your fault that they’re continuing the jabs. They don’t mandate those communities who never complied. They only force the weaklings, the sleepers, the idiots who trust them – the media, the politicians, the doctors and nurses who get well paid for the inoculations – blindly.
Chemed is a federally funded health organization. As such, they are beholden to the dictates of the state. Torah Jews are mandated to follow halacha and each individual should discuss vaccination of their children with their Morah Horah!
Did you know that local community health centers have received millions of dollars under the American Rescue Plan to promote covid vaccination in your community?? This creates a one sided narrative with questionable conflicts of interest that have prevented educational and availability of inexpensive clinically proven safe preventatives and early treatments.
Would you go to a Rav in a litigation when the other side slipped him a million bucks??
Vaccine event? Fun events? Are you people crazy? Want to murder more Jewish children?
How much longer will you allow the media to manipulate your minds with this covid/vax nonsense? How many more death jabs will you let them prick you and your family with? How many more deaths of loved ones will you allow for this hoax? When will you start realizing that “conspiracy theorists” “tinfoil hatters” were right all along that Covid/Coronavirus, Omicron, Delta and other “variants” have absolutely nothing to do with any medical illness? When will you start doing some research (via Duckduck.go as Google censors the truth) and learn that THE MEDIA IS LYING TO YOU & HAVE BEEN LYING TO YOU ABOUT THIS COVID FOR 2 YEARS and all this is about eradicating the elite criminals, the Hillarys, the queens, the politicians who’ve committed heinous crimes against humanity in Deep Underground Military Bases? H”Y what these “elite” criminals have been doing FOR DECADES with children in the deep tunnels – the missing children whose faces were posted on milk bottles and never found, plus millions more yearly!! Why wait for the upcoming EBS to wake you up and disclose what they did and why these criminals been coronavirused for good? No, they’re not around anymore. None of them! What you’re seeing are doubles, actors, clones. Compare the originals with the current ones and you’ll for yourself.
THIS IS NOT A JOKE! THE MORE YOU BELIEVE THEM AND COMPLY, THE MORE THEY CONTINUE THEIR “EXPERIMENTS” AND THEIR NEW “VARIANTS”. BUT THIS TIME IT’S NOT WITH CHILDREN UNDERGROUND, BUT WITH THE WEAK DUMB POPULATION ALL OVER THE WORLD. Do some investigation of what the new borns from the idiotic vaxed mothers look like today.. Thankfully, the majority of the population were not fooled.
It’s ALL your fault that they’re continuing the jabs. They don’t mandate those communities who never complied. They only force the weaklings, the sleepers, the idiots who trust them – the media, the politicians, the doctors and nurses who get well paid for the inoculations – blindly.
I don’t trust them
How much money do they get from Big Pharma for this event? Is this a Fauci organization?
What perek Tehillim does one say for this even not to take place?
…oops for this event
Face painting? Balloons? That’s totally ‘bazaar’…!
Yup, last fun they’ll ever have r”l!
Said it well, sadly.
Wicked evil organization. They should be defunded and boycotted.
The hospitalizations and funerals that will result from this event will also be family events.
Oey vey. So true. So true.
What gives everyone a right to bad mouth it?