Lakewood Poskim: Keep Radio On Over Shabbos; In Case of Emergency, Call Police with a Shinui

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What was initially called as a peaceful “walk” and nothing to worry about has now set the Lakewood, NJ community in panic mode and fear right before Shabbos ahead of the protest that will take place Shabbos afternoon.

A robo call from the Lakewood Vaad in the names of Lakewood Rabbonim to keep radios on for Shabbos set to the 107.9 FM station should there be a need to issue important information to the community.

The radio frequency will be silent, but officials will break in in case of any critical information that will be relayed to the Lakewood community.

One should call the police with a shinuy if needed.

Additionally, police will be patrolling all neighborhoods should you see anything suspicious to report it immediately.


(Hefker Velt)



    • dufis
      Why is there a shomer?
      Cuz of course its HKBH, but you gotta do your hishtadlus. The rabbanim said that this is the appropriate hishtadlus.
      Your bitachon plea is garbage, nothing more than na nach it-will-be-all-right-ism,

  1. Oiy how we have fallen! Are these the important shailos that Klal Yisroel is asking before the coming of moshiach?! Causing unnecessary panic? The fact that the Yeshivos are closed, ho hum, yawn, doesn’t bother me. The lifeline to any frum yid are the Yeshivos, but that no one is bothered being sealed. Nebach nebach. Priorities completely upside down.

  2. I believe that the headline is misleading. The recording said if you see anything that can be a problem, you should call the police with a shinui. However, for real emergencies, in my humble opinion, one should call any way they can and if without a shinui is easier or faster, they should call even without a shinui.

    • It just occurred to me that historically בני חוץ לארץ used to doven for the safety of בני ארץ ישראל . Something changed, something big which needs to be defined. This time, we, בני ארץ ישראל doven for the safety (corona virus epidemics, black violence, white supremacists’ threat to violence) of בני חוץ לארץ .

  3. Please don’t quote the Poskim here
    He says Lakewood rabonim which might just be his own opinion Of which he is entitled to say
    Saying to use a shinui in the name of yeshiva Poskim If there is an Emergency is callous please don’t fumble call the cops
    Until I see a written statement from the yeshiva Poskim I will attribute this to the mechaber

  4. How has the township officials allowed this to take place in the downtown?
    \Why didn’t they say that they will allow it only in Bleu Claws?
    And why on Shabbos?

  5. No tools of self defense, of course. Because the police will protect us. How feeble minded can we be?!
    All of us should apply for home licenses and keep safely stored firearms, maybe then we won’t need to be mechalel shabos.


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