Ian Millhiser, a senior correspondent for the left-wing website Vox and senior policy analyst for Center for American Progress, is calling on Congress to punish unvaccinated Americans by increasing the income tax rate for unvaccinated individuals to 99 percent — a move which would disproportionately target black and Hispanic Americans, given their lower vaccination rates.
“Congress should increase the income tax rate on taxpayers who are unvaccinated, and who have no legitimate religious or medical reason to be unvaccinated, to 99 percent,” Millhiser suggested in a Thursday social media post to tens of thousands of his followers.
His extreme proposal, some surmise, is fundamentally racist, as it would not only rob millions of Americans — many of whom have expressed legitimate concerns over the safety of vaccinations — of their income, but it would disproportionally affect black and Hispanic communities, which are getting vaccinated at lower rates.
“Less than half of Black and Hispanic people have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in nearly all states reporting data, including a number of states where less than a third have received a vaccine,” according to a Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis.
The analysis found “the percent of White people who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose (48%) was roughly 1.3 times higher than the rate for Black people (36%) and 1.2 times higher than the rate for Hispanic people (41%) as of July 19, 2021.”
Read more at Breitbart.
The government may choose to fine unvaccinated people, in line with Obamacare law, levying such fines on those who refuse to purchase medical insurance, or even to declare that those whose medical care is paid for by the government will bear their own Covid costs, if they decide to forgo vaccination, AFTER it will be fully approved by the FDA.
However, taxing these people at 99%, or even at one percent above their actual rates is idiotic and simply wrong. This has nothing to do with racism, simply because the blacks and the browns have exactly the same access to vaccines as do the whites, the yellows, and the most hardline reds.
The suggestion must be opposed on its lack of merits and common sense, rather than on perception that it, somehow, targets minorities.
How does this differ from NYS putting a heavy tax on a box of LEGAL cigarettes, to teach smokers a “lesson”? I personally don’t smoke and never have, but this disproportionate tax levied on smokers is outrageous. If the “government” deems cigarette smoking to be so dangerous, they should make it illegal. But if they would rather enjoy the billions of dollars their political coffers make from their sales and couldn’t give a darn wether the smoker drops dead or not, stop killing the cigarette purchaser financially.
Isn’t it racism to point out that blacks are getting vaccinated at lower rates? I could just imagine if Cuomo would say that Jews are getting vaccinated less than others. Oh my bad it already happened and the backlash he got from the leftist “jewish” media was to call it anti-semitism. Snowflakes just grow up already, blacks with racism and jews with anti-semitism.
Does getting the vaccine make you immune? No. Does getting the vaccine mean you can’t transmit it? No.
Does having natural immunity because you had Cvd and recovered give you a better defense against the virus? Yes.
What am I missing here?
Gray matter
5:55, 3:51 had legitimate arguments, he was not manipulative or otherwise disingenuous. To summarize his argument: if one uses at least the minimum of critical thinking skills, one can have no other intelligent option but to conclude that Fauci et al are obviously lying about every aspect of covid and are using covid as the new “global warming” – a vehicle to install world wide fascism. In an intellectual conversation, you are supposed to reply to the argument, i.e. covid data was not fudged because a b and c, covid RNA treatment actually prevents covid and is safe long-term because a b and c. And if you believe that Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment can not repeat again, bring your intellectual arguments, if you have any. Calling your intellectual conversation opponent brainless, insults you the most.
Priorities of “Public Health”.
it doesn’t help much, the illegals are not paying taxes