I’m not, Chv”s, arguing With the R”Y, just with you. The pitfall of phone learning is:
A) keeping young children engaged and interested for extended periods of time
B) a rebbi being able to display the work and give visual learning
C) the rebbi can see who’s paying attention and who needs refocusing
D) most Lakewood schools are providing an hour or less of learning a day, while many schools using zoom are providing 4-6 hours combined L”K and general studies.
There are inherent issues with that as well, but I’m just playing the other side.
I’m not sure what your problem is. My brother is learning with his class over the phone. The zoom is only better as far as showing the class visuals. The children themselves basically learn the same either way.
Zoom is much better for teaching than by telephone. This is especially true for students who need extra services where a phone is totally inadequate. There are specially designed tablets available that are only able to use Zoom and cannot connect to other Internet-based websites, etc.
3 points to ponder
a- lkwd kids are much less riveted to screens than the general population of the US who’s attention span is the amount of time between TV commercials necessitating more visually attractive learning.
b- media learning by default teaches kids (and adults) to go into spacy/zombie mode. even if information is penetrating.
c-good educators will teach well via phone, and a not so great educator wont teach well with zoom. Our lakewood teachers are AMAZING!
We all know what works for some won’t work for many and although there are usually options for those parents whose kids are struggling to get supportive help now it is next to impossible. How can schools expect to be paid if they are not working with the parents to make sure that their children are thriving, is it really enough to just say it’s not worth it and risk the rabbeim’s jobs…
Was this forged?
why is this even an issue?They are teaching by phone and its working. Keep it up ,THANK YOU
I’m not, Chv”s, arguing With the R”Y, just with you. The pitfall of phone learning is:
A) keeping young children engaged and interested for extended periods of time
B) a rebbi being able to display the work and give visual learning
C) the rebbi can see who’s paying attention and who needs refocusing
D) most Lakewood schools are providing an hour or less of learning a day, while many schools using zoom are providing 4-6 hours combined L”K and general studies.
There are inherent issues with that as well, but I’m just playing the other side.
Because it is not working
the hevel of tinokes shel bais raban that will learn better with zoom than a phone how can a rebbe teach 30 kids on the phone
I’m not sure what your problem is. My brother is learning with his class over the phone. The zoom is only better as far as showing the class visuals. The children themselves basically learn the same either way.
Zoom is much better for teaching than by telephone. This is especially true for students who need extra services where a phone is totally inadequate. There are specially designed tablets available that are only able to use Zoom and cannot connect to other Internet-based websites, etc.
“There are specially designed tablets available that are only able to use Zoom”
Can you provide some details on this? Sounds like a potential solution
3 points to ponder
a- lkwd kids are much less riveted to screens than the general population of the US who’s attention span is the amount of time between TV commercials necessitating more visually attractive learning.
b- media learning by default teaches kids (and adults) to go into spacy/zombie mode. even if information is penetrating.
c-good educators will teach well via phone, and a not so great educator wont teach well with zoom. Our lakewood teachers are AMAZING!
Its simply an issue of…
אין הצר שוה בנזק
We all know what works for some won’t work for many and although there are usually options for those parents whose kids are struggling to get supportive help now it is next to impossible. How can schools expect to be paid if they are not working with the parents to make sure that their children are thriving, is it really enough to just say it’s not worth it and risk the rabbeim’s jobs…
these special tablets go through a phone line with t-mobile data and there is no internet, wifi, or browser
The Roshey Yeshiva are not “offering chizuk”….they are telling us mamash clearly: ASUR!