Lieberman: Different Rules For Religious Zionists

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After complaints from the Yamina party and wives of religious Zionist yungeleit, Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he may exclude them from a bill slated to deprive yungeleit of government subsidies for child daycare centers.

“I think the status of people who serve in the army is different,” Lieberman conceded. “I have met people who eventually join the workforce and think we must at least consider the matter.”

{ Israel}


    • Except that the evil Zionists (and their supporters) don’t allow the chareidim to work unless they allow the Zionists to shmad them in the Zionist den of shmad and immorality, murder and idolatry that is the IDF.

  1. Unfortunately, from his secular viewpoint, he is 100% correct. If you don’t value the Torah being learned by these Kollel yungeleit, why wouldn’t you think it a good idea to freeze only them — the freeloaders — from daycare subsidies?

    Of course he is a Rasha M’rusha, but we have only ourselves to blame for ever taking a dime from the Medina.

    • He’s not right, even from that perspective, because the Zionists don’t allow the chareidim to work, since the Chareidim cannot possibly join the Zionist shmad army. So they have no choice.

      First, let the Chareidim work, without any IDF/National Service/whatever obligations. Then we can talk…

  2. And will he also deprive Israeli Arabs any government rights because they don’t serve either? You can just imagine what the Israeli Supreme Court will say about that.


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