Likud MK Bashes Chareidi MKs for Leaving Hostage Vote Before Shabbos

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MK Moshe Saada of Likud strongly condemned the chareidi ministers who left the cabinet meeting to approve the hostage deal before Shabbos, opting instead to submit their votes in writing.

“I wonder if the ministers from Shas and United Torah Judaism would give such unquestioning approval for the draft law, or if this blind allegiance is reserved for issues they deem less significant, like national security and the lives of all citizens,” Saada tweeted. “When it’s other people’s children fighting, it’s no surprise they’re uninterested. So what if Hamas regains strength, more soldiers are endangered, arch-murderers are freed, a wave of terror in the West Bank looms, and other hostages are abandoned? None of this seems to concern them. Disgrace.”

In response, UTJ leader Moshe Gafni fired back: “MK Saada is a disgrace to the Knesset and the Jewish people. At a time when the entire society is uniting around the effort to free the hostages, he chooses to incite against the religious public, without whom he wouldn’t even exist in Israeli public life. There’s one matter we wouldn’t leave as a written vote – a discussion about whether to keep him in the Likud.”

MK Yaakov Asher also criticized Saada: “Unlike you, we don’t believe Prime Minister Netanyahu—the very person who reserved your spot on the Likud list—and the Minister of Defense want ‘Hamas to strengthen,’ ‘murderers to be freed,’ or ‘other hostages to be abandoned.’ As coalition members and human beings, we stand with them in their complex and difficult decision. If you don’t trust them, resign from the Knesset like Gallant. Perhaps you should secure yourself a position in Yair Lapid’s party, where incitement and provocation are the norm.”

Deputy Minister Uri Maklev addressed Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz in writing: “This ongoing behavior, where MK Saada—supposedly a member of Likud—repeatedly attacks and defames his coalition partners, must end. Even during these challenging times, he persists in acting like the worst of inciters. This is intolerable, and the Likud’s silence on the matter is unacceptable. There is a limit to this kind of rhetoric, and I call for immediate action to put a stop to it.”

{ Israel}


  1. Saddam happens to be right here, how can you scream torah and than realese thousands of terrorists, pikuach nefesh comes before anything


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