LISTEN: Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin On the Imperativeness of Keeping a Low Profile in Golus

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  1. How to reconcile with ‘Today, Councilman Kalman Yeger took to the floor of the New York City Council to publicly condemn politicians and members of the media who “tinker at the fringes of antisemitism.”
    If it had a title, the three minute speech would be called “You Did This.” In his remarks, Councilman Yeger repeatedly used the phrase to excoriate those who pretend to stand with the Jewish community, but actually stand with anti-semites…”’??

  2. Rule of thumb: Who hates us? All Goyim hate us and no matter what you do or what they say they will always hate us. Stop pandering to the goyim. You will never, ever get the goyim to stop hating us. The important thing is that they should respect us!!


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