Listen: Stoliner Rebbe: Chadorim Must Not Open Yet, We Must Maintain Vigilance

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The Stoliner Rebbe addressed his chassidim this week, speaking out against those who wish to open schools and chadorim despite the continued social distancing requirements due to the COVID-19.



  1. First time hearing the voice of the Stoliner Rebbe Shlitah. What a beautiful Yiddish he has. Anyone know other clips of him talking please. Thank you. Would greatly appreciate it.

  2. In a letter the rebbe wrote before pesach he says. “If even one person is saved because we closed the shuls and yeshivos then it’s worth it.” It amazes me how people are so nonchalant about the whole situation.

  3. A true leader! A true מנהיג! He cares about every single individual. ימים על ימי מלך תוסיף שנותיו כמו דור ודור.

  4. You agree with what the rebbe says, “so he is a true leader, ” pls listen to many of the other shitos, hashkafa of the rebbe .


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