Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman (UTJ) sharply criticized the public Chillul Shabbos in various cities in Israel.
“This trend of Chillul Shabbos in different cities is a gross act of defiance used by unashamed politicians who do not hesitate to harm the State’s Jewish character,” he said.
“It’s clear that we will not allow this serious trend to expand, because this is a systematic change to everything that has been preserved in the Jewish character throughout the years.”
Read more at Arutz Sheva.
Rabbi Litzman U WILL NOT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING BY MAKING NEW LAWS, IF U WORRY FOR k’dishas Shabbos do some leg work etc take some people GO AROUND door to door in Tel Aviv etc and ex plane to them what Shabbos is all about, with new laws u r only drifting them away further,
They aren’t Americans and since they aren’t
both are incumbent and necessary
If they would be Americans you would be then correct
In America it would be unthinkable to create laws preventing secular Jews from being Mechallel Shabbos. why is Israel different?
If you aren’t go to allow secular Israelis to ride buses on Shabbos they
(1) will be Mechalel Shabbos anyway and probably in a worse manner than riding on a bus is
(2)will hate frum people and want to get rid of them even more
(3)you are in essence saying we can tell you how to live your life. Don’t expect them not to try to do the same to frum people
Based upon the past simple clear non-corrupt legislative action taken on the basis of Judaism has a positive impact invariably
I don’t know for what Litzman is slated to be indicted, as has been reported, in a few weeks but while protesting
Chillul Shabbos is admirable, he really ought to also publicly address the upcoming indictment.
Josh Darabaner