Lockdown Imposed On Charedi Neighborhoods In Yerushalayim

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Several Yerushalayim neighborhoods with high coronavirus infection rates will be locked down starting Sunday afternoon, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said early Sunday.

According to Health Ministry data, about 75 percent of the infections in Yerushalayim have occurred in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, most of which will now be locked down.

The government approved locking down four of the capital’s seven zones delineated ahead of Pesach: Zone 1, which covers northeast Yerushalayim Zone 2, which covers northwest Yerushalayim, Zone 3, which covers southwest Yerushalayim, and Zone 5, which covers much of the city center.

Among the neighborhoods on which restrictions will be imposed: Neve Ya’akov, Romema, Ramat Shlomo, Ramat Alon, Har Nof, Givat Shaul, the Bukharim quarter, Mekor Baruch, Givat Mordechai, Geula and Mea Shearim.

Each of the zones will be subject to the restrictions and exit will be permitted from the zone for work, essential medical care, funeral of a family member, transfer of a minor between divorced parents, legal process and any other essential need subject to the approval of the National Emergency Authority. The lockdown will be in effect from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Dr. Blumenthal and other doctors were right when they said: There is reason to believe that the release of the virus from the labs globally was possibly used to target and scare and punish religious Jews, the most vocal supporters of POTUS.

  2. 100% anti-Semitism and racism against Chareidim. In Haifa, Be’er Sheva, Ashkelon and other cities people walk around like nothing would be and police are not on top of them.

    • I agree with you. The corona virus is racist and anti Charedi. The Charedim are infected with the virus disproportionately to their number. There are more people infected in Bnei Brak and Yerushalaim than in any other part of Eretz Israel. Quote from the Jerusalem Post:
      “Health Ministry data released on Saturday continued to show that haredi-dominated (ultra-Orthodox) towns and cities remained Israel’s key coronavirus battlegrounds, with Jerusalem (1,821 cases) and Bnei Brak (1,761) representing the top hotspots nationwide by some margin. Per capita, the hardest-hit locations are Bnei Brak, Efrat and Elad.”
      Complain to the UN or the International Court of [In]Justice in the Hague !

      • Sad that Jews should be so narrow-minded and blind to the truth. Not the corona virus is racist and anti Charedi, fool, but the ones who spread are anti-semites racists.

        • To Lion-Heart Ostrich: Wake up and smell the coffee. If you were a ירא שמים Yid you would read the writing on the wall. The בורא עולם is not happy with you, with me, and with the rest of us

  3. The reason the cases are high in charedi neighborhoods is because we live with a lot of people in small apartments. In the three buildings on my side of the street here in Beitar, there are approximate 450 residents – in 19 apartments per building.
    The lockdown, however, is anti-charedi in that the rules that apply to everyone – i.e., no gatherings, no going to parks, beaches, etc. – are NOT being enforced equally. Here a policeman wouldn’t let a guy in the street get his matzos and threatened to fine him. In Tel Aviv the beaches on yom tov were full, r”l – and not one person was disturbed or fined.
    That’s why you hear people talking about this being anti-charedi.


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