London: Jewish Man Hit, Knocked Unconscious By Muslim In Apparent Antisemitic Attack

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A Jewish man and child were punched in the face by a man who appeared to be wearing Islamic clothing in separate attacks in London on Wednesday.

In one incident, footage showed a 64-year-old victim being knocked to the ground while he was walking down a street in the Stamford Hill neighborhood.

Neighborhood watch group Shomrim dubbed the incident a “vicious racist attack.”

“The unconscious victim was rushed to hospital with broken foot/ankle and nasty head injuries,” the group added.

The unidentified attacker seen in the footage was also linked to a separate attack earlier that same day.

The man, dressed in a white cloak with a green jacket and a white headdress, could be seen in footage punching a Jewish child, Shomrim stated.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Of course, they will first need to prove that these punches to the face were motivated by hate. If this can be proven, then the way it works is as follows: If he the man gets a fair trial, he will walk away with a light warning not to touch people in the street anymore. If, however, by rare chance, he gets a biased judge, the judge will give him a disproportionate verbal rebuke and a disproportionate token fine for his actions, and then release the man with an order that he commit to doing a half hour of community service. Of course, these kinds of punitive measures are not fair; but that’s the way these things works. On the flip side, I was happy to see that at least some of the news outlets did not mention that the puncher was wearing a white cloak with a white headdress, as this would have made it appear as if this attack was motivated by hate, rather than it being a knee jerk reaction to the man simply not winning a scratch off lottery ticket.

  2. Don’t learn how to handle yourself, don’t carry anything that can be used as a tool of self-defense, run away when another Jew is attacked, trust in police and the courts, keep on doing enormous amounts of hishtadlus on money matters while doing zero hishtadlus on physical defense of Jewish lives…. follow other lemmings off the cliff.

  3. What a novel way to great someone! Next time I see anyone dressed like that monkey I’ll return the greeting the same way.


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