LYING SCHUMER: ‘We Didn’t’ Mislead the American Public About Biden’s Cognitive Decline

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) denied on Sunday’s NBC “Meet the Press” that he or other prominent Democrats had misled the American people about President Joe Biden’s mental sharpness.

Host Kristen Welker raised the issue, stating, “Obviously, there has been a lot of focus on President Biden’s role in this. You were, obviously, in close contact with President Biden well before the public tuned into that debate that ultimately led to him stepping down. I want to play you a little bit of something you said last year. Take a look.”

In a statement from 2024 on Capitol Hill, Schumer had remarked, “I talked to President Biden regularly, sometimes several times in a week or usually several times in a week. His mental acuity is great. It’s fine. It’s as good as it’s been over the years, and this right-wing propaganda that his mental acuity has declined is wrong.”

Welker pressed further, asking, “What do you say that you and top Democrats misled them about President Biden’s mental acuity?”

Schumer responded, “Look, we didn’t. Let’s look at President Biden. he’s had an amazing record. The legislation we passed, one of the most significant groups of legislation since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, putting 235 judges of record. He’s a patriot. He’s a great guy, and when he stepped down he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the Democratic Party for America, we should all salute him. We should all salute him.”



  1. It’s as good as it’s been over the years – that doesn’t make him cognitive – it just says that he’s been SENILE already for years

    • What’s with you and other posters below? When will you wake up and realize that mainstream media are lying through their teeth in all their reports? If conspiracy theorists who’ve been proven right all the time write that they’re not around anymore, why do you keep posting dumb comments?

  2. Schumer has zero credibility, and this has been the case for years. He speaks much, but there is hardly any truth to him, if any. It is astounding that so many of our mosdos invite him to appear at their public events. He is a disgrace to the Senate, and moreso to all of Klal Yisroel. He has nothing more than a partisan hack all his years, and I anxiously awaut his being voted out of office and onto the garbage heap of immoral politicians.

  3. He is a slick weasel and shud get zero attention from yidden. He has not benefited you anyway and hurt the frum cause

    He is a Jew who wishes he was a goy

  4. So he basically is saying that he stands by his word and Joe Biden is fit to run for office. Would he dare get into a car with Sleepy Joe at the wheel? Maybe he should…

  5. It’s mainstream media who are misleading the American public with their fake news for the gullible sheeple and fabricating reports about public figures, like Biden and Schumer who are long gone.

  6. yup, Chuckie never lies and Joey never forgets…Jill just wanted to stay in the white house, but Kamala would have thrown a her out anyways…


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