Here’s a sentence you probably never expected to read—the manufacturer behind disinfectants Lysol and Dettol has pleaded with the public to ignore the president of the United States and refrain from drinking their toxic heavy-duty cleaning products, the Daily Beast reports. During the Thursday coronavirus press briefing, President Trump pondered, out loud and in front of several television cameras, whether injecting disinfectant into human bodies could be a good way to fight the deadly virus. On Friday, the maker of Lysol said that due to “recent speculation,” it wanted to urge people not to ingest their disinfectants. “We must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route,)” the Reckitt Benckiser Group said in a statement early Friday, adding: “Please read the label and safety information.”
Later on Friday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also cautioned against following the president’s suggestion, saying in a statement reported by the Associated Press: “Never apply the product to yourself or others. Do not ingest disinfectant products.”
should be a disclaimer for everytime Trump opens his mouth . “Please Ignore Trump”
Your name makes sense, since a constant lier would call himself a truthful person. Trump never said it. Go pound sand.
This is a blatant lie: the President never said this. Anyone who believes this statement, taken out of context, is worthy of believing in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Jews should know better. The truth lies here
Who cares. He lost the people’s support, and he knows it.
Any politician, left or right or center, that has the support of the people today is a reflection of the brain debilitating effects of pollution, junk food, viruses, media, and the lack of exercise. We have seen the enemy and he is us, saith Pogo, more true now than during WWII. Hashem yirachem!
I see. Are you stating that former President Obama reduced pollution, junk food (sure he and Michelle did lot of work on that, granted), promoted exercise, regulated the media, improved sanitary conditions etc, and due to voters’ increased mind clarity, President Trump got elected?
Interesting viewpoint.
Lysol maker, please get more disinfectant product out there!
We need spray and, even more, wipes!
You produce the product and don’t worry about those dumbells who will ingest it. If they want to commit suicide they’ll do it regardless of what you say!
Stop resisting and get your flu shot.
Bad advice! According to a study done by the Department of Defense in that was published in January, results showed little to no evidence supporting the association of virus interference and influenza vaccination. Military personnel evaluated who received the flu vaccine were at 36 percent increased risk for coronavirus with varied benefit in preventing some strains of the flu.
Lysol creeps are leftists and opportuned to slander Trump.
If you believe trump said you should ingest lysol I got a bridge to sell you
All aboard! The legal express has landed.
Aim to the trash. The toilet overflows and if you can not stick it in your bother to buy lysol, its a mess.
No handy artery.